Abstract closes: 28th February 2025, 11:59 PM Nepal Standard Time (Abstract received after this deadline will not be entertained.)
The scientific manuscript submitted for presentation at the conference should have the following characteristics:
- Topics related to anaesthesia, intensive care, pain management, perioperative medicine, resuscitation, history or education in anaesthesia, basic science related to anaesthesia, organizational issues and policies related to anaesthesia and related topics will be accepted for presentation.
- The scientific manuscript should be original. (If presented earlier, should provide full details). Any scientific work accepted for publication or published in any journal will not be entertained.
- Accepted abstracts for SANCON-ASPA 2025 will be presented in either Oral or Poster session, as decided by the Scientific Committee.
- The registration to the conference is mandatory to all the presenters/speakers.
The abstracts submitted MUST adhere to the following specifications:
- The abstracts must be in English, in a Microsoft Word Document with single line spaced, Times New Roman font, 12 font size and page layout with one inch margin on all four sides.
- Title:
- Title must be in Bold.
- No abbreviations should be used in the title.
- Abstract titles must be limited to twelve words. Titles exceeding the limit will be edited.
- Do not use capital letters in the title except for words that are always written so. - Authors details:
- Write full names of author(s) and group them together
- Please omit academic degrees and titles
- Group the affiliated institutions together, and provide institution names and addresses.
- Mention the presenting author separately with his/her designation as resident, fellow, faculty, consultant - Abstract:
- Abstract of original research should be presented under following headings:
Background; Materials and methods; Results and Conclusions. For general reviews, interesting case reports or case series, please prepare it as an unstructured abstract after Title and Author Information.
- Abstract must be limited to 300 words (excluding the title, author information and key words).
- Use the International System of Units (SI) exclusively.
- Key words should be listed at the end in an alphabetical order. - Multiple papers: A speaker may submit more than one paper; but must disclose earlier.
- Type of presentation: Authors must indicate the type of presentation they wish to make, either oral or poster. But the scientific committee holds the right to decide the mode of presentation.
Received abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee. Once the Abstract is accepted; an acceptance letter will be send to the presenter via email who shall then provide the following information in advance to the scientific committee:
- A short CV of the presenter;
- A letter of clearance from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) / Ethical Committee / Research Department / Head of the respective institution stating that the study was carried out by the presenter in that center and the institution does not have any objection if the data or case is presented in any conference.
- The residents/fellow should provide a letter of permission from the head of the Department or the academic coordinator.
- Registration in the SANCON-ASPA 2025
- Final Power Point Presentation by email.
- For Poster Presentation, the specification and detailed guidelines for poster will be send once poster presentation has been accepted.
After receipt of the above information, the scientific committee will then decide and Final List of Presentation, along with presentation instructions, will be emailed to the presenter.
Please Note:
- The Scientific committee editor reserves the right to edit abstracts, if necessary, for clarity, grammar, style, and length for publication in its scientific journal or souvenir.
- Audiovisual equipment: An LCD projector and microphone will be provided in all session rooms.
- Laptops: Individual laptops/notebook will NOT be entertained in the conference room.
- Presenters will have to provide their full presentation well in advance.
- Scheduling: Please check the SAN website for the scheduled date and time of your presentation.
- Policy: In accordance with the SAN constitution and policy, authors are requested to be sensitive to, and show respect for, ethnic, cultural, religious, and gender diversity.
In case of any query, please feel free to communicate to Scientific Committee, SANCON-ASPA 2025.