Aims & Scope of Workshop:
Perioperative Paediatric life support workshop is an initiation of Asian Society of Pediatric Anaesthesiologist with the objective of identifying the child at risk, planning and discussion during perioperative period.
Highlights of the PPLS
- Identification and Management of child at risk like hypoxia and hypovolemia
- Resuscitation
- Effective management of Perioperative crisis
- Breaking “Bad News”
- Team work in crisis
Venue: National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS)
National Simulation Lab
Bir Hospital
Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: 3 rd April Thursday 2024
Number of Participants:
20 (Twenty) National and International
Residents, junior Faculties, Consultants
National and International
Wokshop Modality:
Didactic lectures and breakout skill sessions
Duration: One day